Openings for Specialist and General banking Officers at Bank of India

Bank of India Specialist and General banking Officers Recruitment 2012 : BOI has recently announced recruitment of 193 Specialist Officers and 110 General banking officers  in various scales.
Last date of online registration :   Till Jan 16, 2012    
Scheduled exam date :  Feb 19, 2012

Positions and Pay scale:

# Chartered Accountants (Scale - II) :- 167 Posts - Rs. 19400 - 28100/Month
# Specialist officers in Various Scales :- 26 Posts
# General banking Officers :-
    * General banking Officers (Scale - IV) - 86 Posts - Rs. 30600 - 36200/Month
    * General banking Officers (Scale - V) - 24 Posts - Rs. 36200 - 40400/Month

A written test may or may not be conducted depending upon the number of applications. if there is written test the written test will be  consisting of objective type questions. Candidates shortlisted in Written phase will have to go through GD/Interview phase.

Deatils are in the advertisement, please download  Bank of India Specialist Officers Recruitment 2012 Detailed Advertisement.

Application Procedure : The fee for this Application is Rs.500 [no fee for SC/ST/PWD/EX-Serviceman].

Fee has to be paid at any Bank of India branches with the given Payment Challan [download Payment Chellan] by Jan 16,2012. After payment of fees and scanning your Photograph and signature, you may apply online through the "Apply online" link given at bottom.

Take a printout of the application to be handed over at the time of Interview.

The call letter of Written exam (If held) will be downloaded from Feb 09, 2012.

Apply online

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