DIRECTORATE OF ADVERTISING AND VISUAL PUBLICITY (DAVP) is engaged in publicity or advertising of various notifications related to Jobs or other matters of Public interest. DAVP, provide solution for the paid publicity requirements of all Central Government organizations, PSUs or Government Societies. Depending on the service requesting organisation's target audience, and its budget, a range of media are used, ranging from the conventional, like newspapers, TV and radio channels, or Outdoor publicity options.Many Government agencies like Defense forces, Central government organisations use DAVPs service to announce the recruitment towards Job vacancies in the respective establishments.
The advertisement are publishes in DAVP website and you can download the advertisement for the web portal itself.
Official website of DAVP is
you can view the list of advertisement on their downloads page give below
If you have the Advertisement number, then search using the browser search facility and click on the highlighted links to download the advertisenment.
Let me illustrate with an example:
Currently (Oct 2, 2012) Eastern Naval command has issued notification of recruitment towards various posts. Its published in Employment News Magazine.
The advertisement Number is "davp 10701/11/0044/1213"
Now take the DAVP ADVT Download Page ( and search "10701/11/0044/1213" using the browser's search facilty. You will find a record highlighted with text "10701/11/0044/1213 English-pdf (B&W)" and this is the online version of the advertisement. Click on the link to download.