Openings for PHP developer and UI/UX Designer at Thiruvananthapuram / Trivandrum, Kerala

HERE ARE FEW URGENT OPENINGS for  PHP developer and  UI/UX designer for  TRIVANDRUM.

Please reply with your resume , expected salary and within how many days you can join.


  Job Description:

 1. PHP Developer

 2.UI/UX Designer

  Job Category: IT/Software

Salary:  Negotiable

Desired Qualification: Graduate

Desired Experience: 2 years and more 

Job Description 

·  2+ years of  experience 

·  Working experience in Mobile application  ( must for UI/UX designers).

·  Strong analytical and problem solving skills

 Selection Procedure:

·  Technical Interview

·  Practical Section

·  HR Interview


The company details will be provided after short listing. If you are interested please send your resume - /

References are appreciable 

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