Ordnance Factory Khamaria recruitment of Semi-Skilled staffs - last date : March 3, 2013

Ordnance Factory Khamaria recruitment of Semi-Skilled staffs - last date : March 3, 2013

On-line applications are invited by Indian Ordnance Factories, Ordnance Factory Khamaria, Jabalpur (M.P.) - 482005 for the following posts of Semi-Skilled workers.

Total Number of openings : 691 nos

Pay scale : Pay Band of Rs. 5200- 20200/- with Grade pay of Rs. 1800-/ plus allowances as admissible to the Central Government employees

Name of the post and No. of openings are given below

1. DBWK Danger Building Worker (SS) 250
2. FITTG Fitter Gen(SS) 72
3. FITTA Fitter Auto (SS) 15
4. FITTB Fitter Boiler (SS) 15
5. FITTE Fitter Electric (SS) 15
6. FITTP Fitter Pipe (SS) 15
7. FITET Fitter Electronic (SS) 15
8. FITRF Fitter Refrigeration (SS) 15
9. FITTI Fitter Instruments (SS) 15
10. MACH Machinist (SS) 100
11. EXAM Examiner (SS) 50
12. GRIN Grinder (SS) 32
13. MASN Mason (SS) 23
14. CARP Carpenter 23
15. TURN Turner (SS) 20
16. ELPL Electroplater (SS) 16

Qualification :
Matriculation or its equivalent.
National Apprentice Certificate (NAC)/National Trade Certificate (NTC) issued by NCVT in
relevant trades

AGE LIMIT:- 18-32 years for General candidates.

APPLICATION FEE : Rs 50/-(Rs Fifty only) payable by the applicants through Demand Draft only drawn in favour of "The Sr. General Manager, Ordnance Factory Khamaria, Jabalpur-482 005" (Payable at Jabalpur).

Selection process :
(i) The selection process shall comprise of Written Test of 100 marks and Trade Test practical.
(ii) Written Test shall be fully objective type and OMR based.
(iii) Short-listed candidates on the basis of written examination will be called for Practical/Trade Test and verification of certificates/documents in the ratio of 1.25 times of the number of vacancies. Practical/Trade Test will be purely of qualifying nature. The selection will be made strictly as per merit, on the basis of written
examination subject to getting qualified in the practical examination.

How to apply : The candidates, who are fulfilling the requisite qualifications specifications as mentioned in the detailed advertisement may apply ONLINE through Factory's website www.ordkham.gov.in

For more info please read the detailed advertisement


  more details can be obtained from Factory's website www.ordkham.gov.in

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