Openings for 1253 School Health Nurses in Arogya Keralam - Nursing Jobs in Kerala - last date : August 29, 2013

OPPORTUNITY FOR Nurses in Arogya Keralam society
ONLINE Application is invited for the post of School Health Nurse under the State Health & Family Welfare Society, National Rural Health Mission on Contract basis.

Name of Post: School Health Nurse
Salary : Rs. 11,620/- per month.
Job type : On contract basis
No. of posts : 1253 nos
Work location : Candidates should be willing to work in any District of Kerala
Last date of online application : August 29, 2013 till 5 PM.

Qualification : JPHN Course recognized by State Health Department / GNM (General Nursing & Midwifery) course from an institution recognized by Indian Nursing Council (INC) / BSc Nursing from an institution recognized by Indian Nursing Council (INC).
Age : Maximum 36 years

Examination Fee – Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hundred only). The DD should be made in favour of State Mission Director, State Health & Family Welfare Society from a nationalized bank payable at Thiruvananthapuram.

Selection Process: Selection will be based on qualification, post qualification experience and performance in the interview/written test.

How to apply:
The applications should be forwarded through ONLINE only. Interested candidates are requested to apply online. Selection will be based on qualification, post qualification experience and performance in the interview/written test. The successful candidates will be appointed on contract basis initially for a period of three months. The District Health & Family Welfare Society (Arogyakeralam) may at its discretion, based on the performance, extend the period of contract.

Original Demand Draft along with the hard copy details of candidates (using PRINT DD Option in the recruitment portal) should be forwarded to NRHM office, failing which their application will be rejected. The envelope containing application should be superscribed "Application for the Post of…………….." and should reach following address before 5 pm on 30.08.2013.

The State Mission Director,
National Rural Health Mission,
GeneralHospital Junction,


For more details please read the DETAILED ADVERTISEMENT

Candidates are advised to browse the website regularly for updates/ notices and announcements.

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