C-DAC recruitment for Graduate Apprentices, Technician Apprentices and Technicians in various Trades - Last date: June 16, 2014

Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) invites application for the following posts of Graduate Apprentices, Technician Apprentices and Technicians in various Trades.

Interested candidates are requested online through CDAC's website on or before June 16.

Application mode: Online

last date : June 16, 2014

Name of the posts and number of available vacancies are given below

1 Graduate Apprentice (Electrical) : (2 )
2 Graduate Apprentice (Computer Science) : (5 )
3 Graduate Apprentice (Mechanical) : (1 )
4 Graduate Apprentice (Electronics) : (14 )

5 Technician Apprentice (V) (Accounts & Auditing) : (2 )
6 Technician Apprentice (Electronics) : (10 )
7 Technician Apprentice (Computer Engineering) : (3 )
8 Technician Apprentice(V) (Office Secretaryship) : (1 )
9 Technician Apprentice (Mechanical) : (1 )

10 Computer Operator & Programming Assistant : (15 )
11 Desk Top Publishing Operator : (5 )

12 Electrician : (2 )
13 Fitter : (2 )
14 Welder : (2 )
15 Electronic Mechanic : (4 )
16 Refrigeration & AC Mechanic : (1 )

17 Draughtsman (MECHANIC) : (2 )
18 Draughtsman (CIVIL) : (1)

19 Project Assistant(CIVIL) : (1)
20 Project Service & Support-II (ADMINISTRATION) : (1)
21 Project Service & Support-II (FINANCE) : (1)
22 Project Service & Support-II (HR) : (1)

Pay scale/Stiphend:
Graduate Apprentices : Rs 3560/-pm
Technician Apprentice :Rs 1970/-pm to 2530/pm

Eligibility criteria:

 Qualification :
For Graduate Apprentices : First class B.Tech in respective trade
For Technician Apprentice : First Class Diploma in respective trade
Technician Apprentice(V) (Office Secretaryship): VHSE (Office Secretaryship)
Technician Apprentice(V) (Accounts & auditing): VHSE (Accounts & auditing)

For details about required qualification, Age limit, certifications etc, please read official notification.

How to apply: Interested candidates are requested to go through the CDAC recruitment portal, read the instruction and eligibility condition and then apply online. Applications are to be submitted ONLINE only .Candidates are required to send hard copy of application supported with copies of certificates to be sent, by ordinary post, to below given address on or before June 16,2014

Sr. HRD Officer, 
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing,

Thiruvananthapruam – 695 033

Please note ,The application envelop should be superscribed  “Application for the position of _______________________”

For more details about the Openings, please logon to :


and to APPLY ONLINE Visit:

CDAC Website : http://www.cdac.in/
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