Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) recruitment for Principals, Technical Officers, Assistants, Clerks UDC, LDC, Hindi Translators and Stenographers - Apply online before Sept15, 2014

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) has issued notification for recruitment towards various posts across India. There are vacancies for  Principals, Technical Officers, Assistants, Clerks UDC, LDC, Hindi Translators and Stenographers.

No: of posts : There are 669 posts ( Principals:145 posts;  LDC 284 posts ; UDC : 120 posts ; Assistant : 81 posts; Stenographers :29posts; Tech Officers : 3posts; Hindi translators : 7posts)

Last date for application: September 15, 2014

Name of the posts , number of vacancies, pay scale and age limit and Qualification are given below

  1. Principals  (145) -  PB  Rs 15600 - 39100+ GP Rs 7600 - Age :35 to 50 years - PG (45%) + BEd
  2. Technical Officers (3) - PB Rs 9300 -34800 + GP Rs 4600 -Age : 35 yrs
  3. Assistants (81)  - PB Rs 9300 -34800 + GP Rs 4200 - Age :35 yrs - Degree+computer knowledge
  4. Upper Division Clerks ( UDC )  (120 ) - PB Rs 5200 -20200 + GP Rs 2400 - Age :30 yrs - Degree
  5. Lower Division Clerks ( LDC ) (284 )  - PB Rs 5200 -20200 + GP Rs 1900 - Age :18 - 27 yrs - plus two/ pre degree + typing speed
  6. Hindi Translators (7) - PB Rs 9300 -34800 + GP Rs 4200 - Age :28 yrs
  7. Stenographers (29) - PB Rs 5200 -20200 + GP Rs 2400- Age :27 yrs - Matriculation/ SSLC + shorthand+typing

Eligibility criteria: please check the detailed advertisement 

How to apply: Interested candidates are requested to apply online through KV sangathan website

For more details, please visit