Dubai ministry of health Moh hiring bsc nurses . interview details given below
Dubai MOH.
Interview in Delhi on June 7,8,9 2015
in Bangalore June 13,14,15.
Salary 2 lacs plus
Family Visa.
Only Bsc Female Nurses with 2 yr Exp.
Dep. Medical Surgical( Any Wards) , ICU, CCU,ER, OBG, Paediatrics, Infection Control, Charge Nurses.
If interested please Contact. 09990415224
Dubai MOH.
Interview in Delhi on June 7,8,9 2015
in Bangalore June 13,14,15.
Salary 2 lacs plus
Family Visa.
Only Bsc Female Nurses with 2 yr Exp.
Dep. Medical Surgical( Any Wards) , ICU, CCU,ER, OBG, Paediatrics, Infection Control, Charge Nurses.
If interested please Contact. 09990415224